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Pružinkové brzdy pro freestyle koloběžky

Brzdy pro freestyle koloběžky jsou většinou vyrobené z oceli, jsou lehké a nevydávají žádný nepříjemný zvuk. Je dobré si vybrat správnou brzdu, ta by měla být od stejného výrobce jako vaše deska. Prodáváme brzdy od spousty velmi kvalitních značek. V dnešní době se už skoro nepoužívají brzdy, které mají pružinku a šroub. Dnes používáme brzdy, které se k desce jednoduše přišroubují a díky výrobnímu materiálu (ocel) jsou ohebné, lehké a nevydávají nepříjemný zvuk....


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JDbug X-rider brake
JDbug X-rider brake
Code: JD118BRAKE
3.91 EUR
5.88 EUR
Currently unavailable
For 100 mm wheels.
About the category Spring loaded
Brakes for freestyle scooters are usually made of steel, are light and do not make any unpleasant sound.it's a good idea to choose the right brake, it should be from the same manufacturer as your board. We sell brakes from a lot of very high quality brands.nowadays, brakes that have a spring and a bolt are hardly used anymore. Today we use brakes that simply bolt to the plate and thanks to the manufacturing material (steel) they are flexible, light and do not make an unpleasant sound.
Not sure what to choose? Check out our instructions here: How to brake

How to brake properly?

  • at best, only use the brake for tricks like manual.
  • brake by knocking your shoe on the ground. That way you won't destroy the wheels and wear out the brake right away.
  • if you stomp on the brake you can make a platform on the wheel and the wheel is for throwing away and it doesn't matter if the wheel costs 400 or 1500 CZK.


What is the difference between a Spring Brake and a Flex fender brake?

  • Thespring brakes are mounted on a bolt that is attached to the plate. This spring on the bolt ensures that the brake points upwards away from the plate.
  • Flex fender brakes are long metal plates that are bent to fit around the wheel. They are usually mounted to the plate with one or more screws. If you squeeze it, the whole plate will bend against the wheel.

Both types of brakes are made for 100 mm and 110 mm diameter wheels, please refer to the product details for this information.

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