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Safe Jawz Shark Junior

New SAFEJAWZ® Mouthguard Teeth Protectors. Revolutionary sports protectors popular for comfortable w

Product description Safe Jawz Shark Junior

New SAFEJAWZ® Mouthguard Teeth Protectors. Revolutionary sports protectors popular for comfortable wearing and perfect teeth protection. Tooth protectors are designed for most contact sports.

- for children under 11 years of age

- box in the package

Instructions for shaping the teeth on the teeth:

Heat the water in the kettle and pour it into the pot. Attach the plastic strap to the protectors. Immerse the protectors in water for about 45 seconds. Rinse the rinse aid under running water for 1 to 2 seconds. After licking your lips, put the protector in your mouth and use a mirror to make sure it is in the middle of your mouth. Bite and drain excess water and air from the shield. Leave for about 40 seconds. Remove your teeth and immerse them for 5 minutes in cold water. Try to see if your teeth are sitting properly. If you are not satisfied, repeat steps 1-8.

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