Značka Core byla založena samotnými jezdci v roce 2017 v Liverpoolu (Anglii). Model SL2 je freestylová koloběžka určená pro pokročilé jezdce do skateparku ale i na street. Celková hmotnost koloběžky je 3400 gramů a to právě díky tomu že je celohliníková a různě odlehčovaná. Řidítka na koloběžce jsou vyráběna z kvalitního Hliníku 6061 s rozměry 620 x 620 mm a průměry 28/35 mm....
The Core brand was founded by the riders themselves in 2017 in Liverpool (England). TheSL2 model is a freestyle scooter designed for advanced riders for skatepark but also for the street. The total weight of the scooter is 3400 grams and this is thanks to the fact that it is all-aluminium and variously lightened. The handlebars on the scooter are made of high quality 6061 aluminium with dimensions 620 x 620 mm and diameters 28/35 mm. The handlebars are fitted with high quality narrower grips that Core has developed for demanding riders. The whole scooter holds together thanks to the IHC compression system and one-piece aluminium fork. On the bottom we find an aluminium plate with dimensions of 508 mm in length, 127 mm in width and 335 mm as footspace, thanks to the fact that the neck of the plate is one-piece the plate can withstand much higher pressure. the scooter is equipped with 110 mm wheels with aluminium centres and ABEC9 bearings. On the scooter are removable box-ends, which ensure perfect riding both in the skatepark and on the street.