Výborná, lehká street koloběžka od známe značky Tilt. Tilt se vždy soustředilo na kvalitu dílů. A už bylo načase aby přišli se svojí vlastní koloběžkou. Vyrobili velice kvalitní koloběžku, která ma úžasnou hmotnost! Výborná deska s boxcut a hladkým spodním povrchem (žádné grindraily). Díky tomu grindování půjde snadněji....
Excellent, lightweight street scooter from the well-known brand Tilt. Tilt has always focused on quality parts. And it was time for them to come up with their own scooter. They made a very high quality scooter that has an amazing weight! Excellent board with boxcut and smooth bottom surface (no grindrails). This will make grinding easier. SCS ensures higher handlebar and forkstrength. The handlebars don't have a notch. This makes them last longer and they are made of aluminium (lighter, easier to do tricks). The scooter has 110 mm wheels with aluminium centre.
Great for the street, but also great for the skatepark.
An article on these scooters can be found here: https://www.scootshop.cz/unboxing-freestyle-wheelchair-tilt-theorem-s/