Jezdci vlastněná značka Aztek Scooters je na trhu od roku 2013 a vyrábí velmi kvalitní součásti pro freestylové koloběžky. Můžete se těšit na velmi lehké desky, vidlice pro pevná řídítka a to vše za dostupné ceny. Díky svým zkušenostem s výrobou se specializují na pevné a ultra lehké součásti. Jako příklad můžeme uvést desku Hydru, která váží pouze 1,36 kg a je tak jednou z nejlehčích desek na trhu.....
The rider-owned brand Aztek Scooters has been on the market since 2013 and produces high quality parts for freestyle scooters. You can look forward to very lightweight boards, forks for fixed handlebars and all at affordable prices. Due to their manufacturing experience, they specialize in solid and ultra lightweight components. As an example, the Hydra board weighs only 1.36 kg, making it one of the lightest boards on the market.
You don't know what to do? Check out our tutorial here: How to make the boards
Addict boards have several models, which we will now introduce:
Aztek is an American manufacturer of freestyle scooters and spare parts with the perfect combination of balance and performance. One of the most iconic and lightest boards that became famous for its unique design is finally here.the weight of the board is only 1310 grams. The board measures 520 mm in length, 124 mm in width and the footspace is 380 mm. The plate can accommodate castors with maximum dimensions of 120 x 24 mm. The board is one-piece made of high quality aluminium with strength grade T6. At the end of the plate is a steel springless flex fender brake.You will get GRIPTAPE for FREE!
A great board for the street. The main advantage of this board is the pegs in the front part of the board. Excellent for demanding riders.
One of the best records on the street! For model street rider Jake Sorensen. great design, perfectly balanced! Recommended for all demanding riders! 666 is a 6.66-inch (169 mm) width designation.
A great board for the street. The neck plate is one piece. This makes the board even stronger. Excellent for demanding riders.