Společnost CORE pochází ze Spojeného království, všichni v CORE vytvářejí a navrhují produkty, které odpovídají požadavkům amatérských i profesionálních jezdců akčních sportů. Značka CORE si vybudovala celosvětové uznání díky jejich ochrannému vybavení, které je známé pro svou prémiovou kvalitu.....
Originating from the United Kingdom, everyone at CORE creates and designs products that meet the demands of amateur and professional action sports riders alike. the CORE brand has built a worldwide reputation for their protective equipment, which is known for its premium quality.
The CORE knee and wrist pads are the most sold, and are designed from the ground up to be part of the equipment for anyone who is going to have a good time at the skatepark.cORE hard hats are some of the nicest and best fitting helmets on the market with a focus on comfort and style.
Excellent skatepark board from the famous English brand Core.the board is lightweight. This reduces weight and makes it easier to do tricks. Recommended for all park enthusiasts.
Excellent board for street from well known English brand Core.the board is lightweight. This reduces weight and makes it easier to do tricks. Thanks to the square shape, the grindy will go like anything.