Native Stem desky jsou určené pro začátečníky nebo mírně pokročilé jezdce, kteří chtějí začit s street ježděním. Deska je lehká a má skvělé rozměry. Krk desky je dvoudílný a pro integrované headsety. Spodek desky je hladký, výborné pro grindování. Brzdička je FlexFender (bezpohybová) plastová....
Native Stem boards are designed for beginners or intermediate riders who want to start street riding. The board is lightweight and has great dimensions. The neck of the board is two-piece and for integrated headsets. The bottom of the board is smooth, excellent for grinding. The brake is FlexFender (motionless) plastic.
The plate also has a recess for mothers. You only need an Allen 6 to tighten the axle.
Suitable for street riding and skatepark.
You don't know what to do? Check out our tutorial here: How to make the boards