Výborná, dokonalá deska na street! Signature model od známého jezdce Kai Saunders. Deska má hranatý tvar s pegy, které ladí s deskou. Díky pegům vám grindy půjdou daleko lépe. Grindraily jsou hladké. zase lepší pro grindy. Výhodou této desky je, že můžete použít šířku koleček 24 nebo 30mm. Také osičky buď 8mm (standard) nebo 12mm (12STD). Brzda je plastová....
Excellent, perfect record for the street!signature model by the famous rider Kai Saunders.the board has a square shape with pegs that match the board.the pegs will make your grinds go much better.grindrails are smooth. again, better for the grindy.the advantage of this board is that you can use a 24 or 30mm wheel width. Also axles either 8mm (standard) or 12mm (12STD). The brake is plastic.
You don't know what to do? Check out our tutorial here: How to make the boards