
Freestyle koloběžky Alpha Omega Maven

Další řadou koloběžek Alpha Omega je řada Maven. Tyto modely mají různá provedení, která nabízí širokou škálu možností. Najdete zde koloběžky, které mají běžnější tvar desky se zářezy pro pegy, díky čemuž si můžete vybrat, jestli chcete jezdit s pegy nebo jestli preferujete čistější a hladší sestavu bez pegů. Koloběžky Maven mají stále kompresní systém HIC, který je opravdovým skvostem pro otočky a přemety...

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Freestylle scooter AO Maven 2020 gold
Alpha Omega
Freestylle scooter AO Maven 2020 gold
Code: i442_AOMAVEN/GLD
Code sup.: AOMAVEN/GLD
EAN: 0836564080642
163.53 EUR
171.52 EUR
Currently unavailable
Weight: 3.8kg. For beginners. Suitable for a skate park.
Freestyle Scooter AO Maven 2020 green
Alpha Omega
Freestyle Scooter AO Maven 2020 green
Code: i442_AOMAVEN/GRN
Code sup.: AOMAVEN/GRN
EAN: 0836564080659
163.53 EUR
171.52 EUR
Currently unavailable
Weight: 3.8kg. For beginners. Suitable for a skate park.
Freestyle Scooter AO Maven 2020 red
Alpha Omega
Freestyle Scooter AO Maven 2020 red
Code: i442_AOMAVEN/RED
Code sup.: AOMAVEN/RED
EAN: 0836564080635
132.01 EUR
171.52 EUR
Currently unavailable
Weight: 3.8kg. For beginners. Suitable for a skate park.
AO Maven 2020 Freestyle Scooter (Red Gloss)
Alpha Omega
AO Maven 2020 Freestyle Scooter (Red Gloss)
Code: i442_AOMAVEN/GRD
Code sup.: AOMAVEN/GRD
EAN: 0836564081229
139.20 EUR
170.89 EUR
Currently unavailable
Weight: 3.8kg. For beginners. Suitable for a skate park.
About the category Maven

Another line of Alpha Omega scooters is the Maven series. These models have different designs that offer a wide range of options. You'll find scooters that have a more conventional board shape with notches for pegs, allowing you to choose whether you want to ride with pegs or if you prefer a cleaner, smoother setup without pegs. Maven scooters still have the HIC compression system, which is a real gem for turns and flips. Maven AO Scooters have built these scooters based on years of experience, so you can get a scooter that's strong in the places where the load is heaviest and lightweight where the load doesn't matter. These scooters are a great choice for beginners and advanced riders and are guaranteed to help you progress to the next level with their equipment.

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