
Desky Alpha Omega Stealth

Deska Stealth má krk, který je kován za studena, je tedy i pevnější a vydrží déle. Krk desky je z jednoho kusu. Deska je pro kolečka o velikosti 100-125 mm. Šířka desky je 120 mm a délka desky je 540 mm. Svary desky jsou ve tvaru U, díky tomu jsou pevnější a zabraňují oslabení desky. Deska je pro integrované headsety (vysoustružené misky v krku desky), nechybí concave, bezhlučná flex brzda. Brzda má nastavitelné dvě brzdové polohy. Díky tomu si můžete nastavit brzdu pro danou velikosti kolečka.....

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About the category Stealth

The Stealth board has a neck that is cold forged, so it is stronger and lasts longer. The neck of the board is made of one piece. The plate is for 100-125 mm wheels. The width of the plate is 120 mm and the length of the plate is 540 mm. The plate welds are U-shaped, which makes them stronger and prevents the plate from weakening. The board is for integrated headsets (recessed bowls in the neck of the board), concave, noiseless flex brake. The brake has two adjustable brake positions. This allows you to adjust the brake for a given wheel size. Included in the package is a FREE griptape!


You don't know what to do? Check out our tutorial here: How to make the boards


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